Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A couple of things + A Gift for You

I am teaching CS5 tonight, this is the one thing I love to do as much as photography. It's a great way to reach out to people and help.

My Gift:
As my birthday approaches, I would like to donate a few things. I will be giving away a class on CS5 and I will be donating any image from my website http://www.gremmonsphotography.com.

For the class, just be located in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire. The class can contain 4 people. Simply send my an email, gremmons@gremmonsphotography.com, telling me why you would like the class and I will chose someone by August 15th.

For the image, matted and framed, just be located in the continental US, send an email to me telling me why you like photography and I will chose someone by August 15th.

Pretty Simple, huh?

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