Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Create Emotion

Every image you capture should say something, it may be something about you the photographer, a memory you have had or a story about someone or something. Allow your viewer to feel.
One of the most moving experiences I have had was during a gallery show when a young lady walked up to one of my images and started to cry. There was an element of human connection that I will never forget. It's one of the reasons why I shoot.

Monday, June 28, 2010

MeetUp Club hosted by George Emmons

I have been hosting a MeetUp Club on "Location and Studio Photography". I have been setting up group photo sessions and Photoshop classes for our members. We have developed a good number of members and I am working on growing the club into a great place for photographers to shoot and learn more about their craft.

Stop by and take a look at what we are doing and some of the tips left in our Message Board. You will also be able to follow along on Twitter.

"Keep Shooting"

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Welcome to GR Emmons Photography blog. I'll be posting all kinds of info here, I hope you enjoy it.