Sunday, May 20, 2012

Creating Sharper Images

The first in a series of Creating Sharper images is now online.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cleaning Your Nikon Zoom Lens

Cleaning Your Nikon Zoom Lens Have You ever looked at your Zoom Lens and asked yourself "How did it get so dusty "inside"? "How do I get it cleaned?" You don't have to send it to a repair shop, I'll show you how to clean it and make it ready to shoot as good as new.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stone Cold is Up

Stone Cold is now up in my gallery.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have listed a gallery on my site that shows the projects I am working on. Take a peak and if you are interested in seeing new and hopefully exciting images, follow along as I post more. ( I will post as quickly as I have models to fill the assignments.)

Also, If you are interested in modeling, send along an email and let me know

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7 Deadly Sins

Shot my first model for the 7 Deadly Sins and I am posting a few of the images on my site. These shots are part of the anger section.

All comments are welcome.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Always Looking for new models

I am always searching for women to photograph.

You must be at least 18 years old.

Experience in modelling is not essential, please let me know about any modeling experience you have.

Payment will usually be in the form of a CD of high quality digital images, for your use only. An hourly or day rate may be negotiated for experienced models.

Send me an email at . Some information to include in your message:

1) Your age

2) Your height and weight.

3) Your Location.

4) All hair and skin colors are good. Please attach a sample image to your email. click on Be a Model

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Glass Blowers

I watched some very talented men make glass pumpkins. It's a great art form and these artists kicked it up a notch.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Past

I've been away for a while, mentally. Every once in a while you have a block. So, I went back to what I used to do, play the sax. It's old and tired, but it's my friend. It has so many stories to tell. I put up two images of it, one in Black and White and one in color. I'm a black and white freak.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I start shooting the 7 deadly sins today. I know, it's been done a thousand times, but not from my perspective. I will be working with a number of models and I will post material from the shoots as they are completed. This will be a fun shoot and hopefully turn out to be a very good book.

Friday, August 20, 2010

More People

This is for all of you who liked the People Portfolio. I have uploaded images of some abstract models to the People section on